Kadett C

In addition a long lasting story of success persisted: the Kadett C developped exceedingly. Waveless and without squiggels she convinced as a sophisticated autocar, offering a solid counter-value and driving fun to a price of 7,175 Mark.

Manta B and Ascona B

The Manta B and the Ascona B were introduced to the market in 1975. As a result of her high efficiency in everyday life and the various choice of engines, this model exceeded all expectations and established herself besides the Kadett as an extremely favoured car.

Kadett D

The Kadett D was a totally new designed car and the first Opel with front-wheel drive. The “new one” was 13 cm (about 5,1 inches) shorter, but she offered more place in the interior than her antecessor. This was possible because of the engine which had been installed at right angle and the front-wheel drive. With two and four doors, as a Caravan and also as a racy GT/E the Kadett was sold over two million times until 1984.

Corsa A

1982: The new plant in Zaragoza (Spain) produced the compact car Opel Corsa which soon became the most marketed vehicle in her segment. Developed in Germany the Opel Corsa proved herself as a car draft in the paneuropean market. The fully automated production took place in Spain, the engines came from Wien-Aspern.

Ascona C

At the beginning of the 1980's the variations of diesel engines of the Opel Ascona and the Opel Kadett with 1,6 litres and 54 HP were in great demand. The self initiator convinced because of her long life cycle and the consumption of only six to seven litres.

Rekord E

The new Opel Rekord E took innovative steps in aerodynamics and ergonomics. An additional plus was the engine pallet with 6 variants which increased the popularity of the Rekord additionally.

Kadett E

The Kadett E was introduced after an extensive development effort in 1984. The aerodynamic and the design came to the fore, 1,5 billions marks (DM) had been invested totally.
With an air drag coefficiant of 0.30 the Kadett GSI was the vehicle with the fewest drag worldwide.

Omega A

The 1980's was a decade of innovation for Opel: in 1985 Opel was the first manufacturer offering a complete series of models with catalytic converters. And in 1986 the Opel Omega received her premiere. With the best air drag coefficiant of 0.28 in her class this vehicle became leading worldwide.

Vectra A

In 1988 came the next premiere: the Opel Vectra started with front-wheel drive and also an excellent air drag coefficiant of 0.29.


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